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Terms & Conditions


ENROLMENT: Enrolment is an agreement to engage the services of the Central Coast Conservatorium of Music Ltd (Conservatorium) at a particular time each week, during the terms of the calendar year.

An enrolment becomes valid and lessons can commence once the Online Enrolment Form is submitted and a lesson confirmation email is issued by administration. The enrolment is a commitment to attend lessons and ensemble or band rehearsals in each term and students will be billed accordingly. The enrolment form need only be completed on initial enrolment or if any personal details have changed.

ANNUAL ENROLMENT FEE: An annual enrolment fee (per family) is payable on initial enrolment with the Conservatorium and thereafter annually at the beginning of the year. Students enrolling part way through the year will be charged a pro rata enrolment fee.

TERM FEES AND PAYMENT: An invoice for enrolled students will be issued in advance of the first lesson of each term and will be emailed to the account contact. Lessons & Ensembles are charged as a term fee, based on a 10 week term.

We offer the following payment options:

  1. Tuition fees must be paid in full within two weeks of the invoice being issued, or
  2. A direct debit payment facility, offered by Payleadr, must be in place prior within two weeks of the invoice being issued. The facility repayments will ensure that the fees will be paid in full by week 8 of term.  Please contact administration on 02 4324 7477 for details.

Failure to adhere to either of the above options may lead to the student being suspended from tuition until arrears are met. A full list of fees is available from our website.

The Conservatorium offers support for those experiencing financial hardship. Please contact the office on 02 4324 7477 for details.

NON ATTENDANCE AT LESSONS: It is expected that students enrolled at the Conservatorium will commit to attending the full term’s lessons and the music teacher will commit the designated time each week for the student.

Students pay lesson fees regardless of their attendance. Failure to attend a lesson or a class and/or withdrawal from any tuition during the term does not automatically warrant a credit. As a courtesy, one to one students who miss lessons must notify the Conservatorium Office or the teacher before their scheduled lesson.

The Conservatorium may provide a credit to the student if it is unable to provide a music teacher for a scheduled lesson and that lesson cannot be ‘made up’.

In exceptional circumstances (e.g. a serious illness, supported by a medical certificate), a leave of absence may be arranged. Prior approval of both the teacher and the Conservatorium is required. If approved, a credit may be given for two or more consecutive absences.

If a credit is approved, it will be applied to the following term’s Fees Account in the same calendar year. After the end of that term, the credit amount will expire. The Conservatorium reserves the right to alter, cancel or decline to hold any of its courses or programs or to change the music teacher for any tuition at any time.  For all ensembles and group classes, the Conservatorium will deliver a minimum of 8 classes/rehearsals per term.

For Introductory & Casual Lessons payment must be made prior to lesson day. If paymnet is not received, the lesson will not take place.


STUDENT ILLNESS GUIDELINES: While we encourage students to attend all of their lessons, classes and ensembles, an ill child or adult will not perform well and may expose others to communicable illnesses. If a child is sneezing, coughing and/or sick enough to stay at home from school, please do not send your child to music lessons.

REFUNDS: Lesson refunds are given when lessons or classes are cancelled by the Conservatorium.

WITHDRAWAL/DEFERMENT OF LESSONS:  Notification of intention to withdraw (or defer lessons) must be made in writing to the Conservatorium’s administration office (not through the music teacher) at least 7 calendar days prior to the commencement of a term. As a matter of courtesy you should advise your teacher of your intention to withdraw or defer. This will result in a cancellation of term fees.

For ensembles, the full terms fees are due and payable if discontinuig after the commencement of a term.

If withdrawing from individual lessons after the commencement of a term, 2 weeks notice must be given to administration (not the teacher) and payment for the subsequent 2 weeks is still required.

The Conservatorium reserves the right to discontinue a student’s enrolment at any time for reasons including, but not limited to: poor attendance, non-payment of fees, lack of interest, or disruptive behaviour. If a student is dropped for non-payment of fees, the student may be able to continue the term by paying the unpaid balance.

HOW TO MAKE PAYMENTS: The fee payment methods are as follows:

  • Secure online card payment via the Conservatorium website, by using this link:
  • Direct deposit to the Conservatorium’s bank account: A/C name: Central Coast Conservatorium Inc. BSB: 062544 (Commonwealth Bank, Gosford) A/C number: 28015086. Please ensure to use the invoice number/s and your family name (surname) as the payment reference so that we can apply the payment against your account promptly.
  • Credit card payment by phoning on (02) 4324 7477 during office hours (Mon – Fri 9.00am to 5.00pm).
  • Complete a bank authorised direct debit form supplied by the Conservatorium.

STUDENT SUPERVISION: As the Conservatorium cannot supervise students outside their lesson times parents and guardians are advised not to leave students unattended before or after lessons and to make suitable arrangements for the drop-off and pick-up of students.

Older students may wait for their lessons and for parent/carer pickup in one of our safe waiting areas.  Parents are welcome to wait in these areas with their children to supervise homework activities.

CHILD PROTECTION: All Conservatorium teachers and administration staff have completed a NSW Working with Children Check as per the requirements of the NSW Office of the Children’s Guardian. All staff also complete annual Child Protection Awareness Training.

Use of Conservatorium services implies agreement to these Terms and Conditions.

If you have any questions regarding these Terms and Conditions please call the Conservatorium on 4324 7477.
