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Congratulations to all the students who participated in the  2024 Central Coast Conservatorium of Music Competitive Scholarship auditions held on Saturday 28 October at Robert Knox Hall. 

This year a record number of students auditioned for the Senior and Junior scholarships on a range of instruments – from electric guitar and voice to cello and bassoon.

Central Coast Grammar School flautist Elana Sydenham and Kincumber guitarist Jerome Drobot were named joint CCCM Senior Instrumental Winners, with Jerome also being awarded the inaugural Gosford Music Centre Senior Guitar Scholarship. Vocal student Mia Cross was awarded the Richard Newton Senior Vocal Scholarship.

Each year the Central Coast Conservatorium supports students through its competitive and non-competitive scholarship programs. These programs, funded by the Conservatorium, are bolstered through the generosity of donors, supporters and sponsors from our community.

The Competitive Scholarships are awarded to highlight students with excellent potential and talent as well as to encourage further study and achievement at the Central Coast Conservatorium.

Elana, Jerome and Mia were also named as three of the five finalists in the Allen Family Senior Scholarships taking place on Sunday 12 November at Robert Knox Hall. They will be joined at the Allen Family Scholarship Finals by students Xavier Cardozo (bassoon) and Emma Deed (flute) who were both awarded CCCM Highly Commended Senior certificates. 

The Senior Scholarships were adjudicated by CCCM Artistic Director, Patrick Brennan, and vocal teacher Michaele Archer. The Junior Scholarships were adjudicated by former CCCM flute teacher Lyn Brislan and Patrick Brislan, former Associate Dean at the University of Adelaide and professional musician.

All adjudicators were impressed with the high level of talent, passion and musicality displayed by all participants. “ The selection process was incredibly tough, with the results being extremely close,” said Patrick Brennan.

“There literally was the smallest of margins between the winners and second place. It was great to see a broad range of instruments and genres represented, which highlights the breadth of instrumental lessons that we offer at the Con.”

Junior Award Recipients

The CCCM Junior Instrumental Winner was Central Coast Grammar School student and bassoonist Dana Hamilton. Second place was awarded to saxophonist Monika Sydenham, while third place went to double bass player Noah Taylor.

Highly Commended students are: Kairavan Selvarajan (guitar), Yaalini Selvarajan (voice) and Mitchell McCracken (piano).

Three 2024 Allen Family Junior Encouragement Awards were handed out to Mathias Joshua Way (piano), Tatiana Wang (violin) and Caitlin Swadel (flute). 

The 2024 Irvine Family Piano Encouragement Award was awarded jointly to Caleb Hechter Saturno and Emily Robertson.

Guitarist Jensen Hornsby was awarded the inaugural Music Centre Gosford Junior Guitar Scholarship.

Pearl Beach Association Concert Finalists

This year a record eight talented students were chosen to compete in the 2024 Pearl Beach Association Scholarship Competition Finals which will take place on Sunday 25 May 2024. They are Elana Sydenham (flute), Jerome Drobot (guitar), Mia Cross (vocal), Xavier Cardozo (bassoon), Emma Deed (flute), Claire Berecy-Brown (violin), Minjy Lee (violin) and Anya Sandeman (trombone).

2024 Central Coast Conservatorium of Music Competitive Scholarship Results

Scholarship Result Value Recipient Instrument
Central Coast Conservatorium of Music Senior Instrumental Winner 2024 equal first place  $1500 Jerome Drobot Guitar 
Central Coast Conservatorium of Music Senior Instrumental Winner 2024 equal first place $1500 Elana Sydenham Flute 
Richard Newton Philharmonia Choir Senior Vocal Scholarship 2024 $2000 Mia Cross Voice
The Gosford Music Centre Senior Guitar Scholarship 2024 $500 Jerome Drobot Guitar
Allen Family finalist  2024  Emma Deed Flute
Allen Family finalist 2024  Xavier Cardozo  Bassoon
Allen Family finalist 2024 Jerome Drobot Guitar
Allen Family finalist  2024 Mia Cross Voice
Allen Family finalist 2024 Elana Sydenham Flute 
Central Coast Conservatorium of Music Junior Instrumental Winner 2024 $1000 Dana Hamilton Bassoon
Central Coast Conservatorium of Music Junior Instrumental 2nd place 2024 $750 Monika Sydenham Saxophone
Central Coast Conservatorium of Music Junior Instrumental 3rd place 2024 $500 Noah Taylor Cello/Bass
Allen Family Junior Encouragement Award 2024 $500 Mathias Joshua Way Piano
Allen Family Junior Encouragement Award 2024 $500 Tatiana Wang Violin
Allen Family Junior Encouragement Award 2024 $500 Caitlin Swadel Flute
Irvine Family Piano Encouragement Award 2024  $500 Caleb (Hechter) Saturno Piano
Irvine Family Piano Encouragement Award 2024 $500 Emily Robertson Piano
The Music Centre Gosford Junior Guitar Scholarship 2024 $250 Jensen Hornsby Guitar
Highly Commended Students
Highly Commended Senior  Certificate Emma Deed   Flute
Highly Commended Senior  Certificate Xavier Cardozo Bassoon
Highly Commended Junior Certificate Kairavan Selvarajan Guitar
Highly Commended Junior Certificate Mitchell McCracken Piano
Highly Commended Junior Certificate Yaalini Selvarajan Voice 


Pearl Beach Association Scholarship Competitions Concert finalists 

Emma Deed Flute
Xaver Cardozo Bassoon
Claire Berecry-Brown Violin
Jerome Drobot Guitar
Elana Sydenham Flute
Anya Sandeman Trombone 
Minjy Lee Violin
Mia Cross Vocal 