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More than 30 musicians from around the country descended on Central Coast Conservatorium of Music last week for the Australian Haydn Academy Spring Intensive program in Gosford.

The three-day early music camp was aimed at high school and university level musicians and musicians in their early career and culminated with a wonderful concert at Gosford Anglican Church on Friday 28 September. 

The camp was organised by the Australian Haydn Ensemble in conjunction with CCCM and involved several students and teachers as well as visiting musicians from Sydney and further afield.


Participants got hands-on experience with some of Australia’s leading period musicians, while working on performance pieces, baroque dance and more. Over three days AHA tutors including Skye (violin), Karina Schmitz (viola), Melissa Farrow (flute), Daniel Yeadon (cello), Simon Rickard (bassoon and Baroque dance), Pippa MacMillan (double bass), Stephen Freeman (violin and Alexander Technique), UK’s Joel Raymond (oboe) and Rosalind Halton (harpischord) tutored participants in sessions held throughout the Central Coast Conservatorium campus.

“It was amazing to see our fabulous Young Artists back for more; very inspiring to see all of these wonderful musicians, across multiple generations, working together, tackling new things and making the very most of this opportunity,” said AHA’s Artistic Director Skye Macintosh, who this week is preparing to take the AHA on its debut orchestra tour to the United States. 

At the invitation of the Australian Government, AHA will be performing at the opening celebrations of the new Australian Embassy in Washington DC. 

In addition, they have planned a series of concerts, performances and education workshops on both the West and East Coasts of the USA, including its New York debut at Weill Concert Hall at Carnegie Hall.

Find out more about the Australian Haydn Ensemble HERE.

