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Music has the Power to Change Lives

A bequest or gift in your Will can make the world of difference to students at the Central Coast Conservatorium of Music

By including the Central Coast Conservatorium in your Will, your thoughtful bequest can help fund:

  • Scholarships for talented and/or disadvantaged students, from children to adults, from beginners to advanced performance training, as part of a 3-year Bachelor Music degree (with UNE).
  • Musical instruments of all types in the right quality for use by students.
  • Performance opportunities to enhance student music abilities by playing, collaborating and performing with other musicians in bands, choirs, ensembles, orchestras and to participate in masterclasses.
  • Outreach programs where travel to the Con may be impractical – throughout the Central Coast and neighbouring communities.
  • Music as Therapy programs for children and adults. Music crosses multiple regions of the brain, creating neural pathways that can benefit people with developmental delays; speech and language problems; autism spectrum disorder; intellectual, physical or emotional disabilities; stroke rehabilitation; dementia and other physical/mental health needs.

The Central Coast Conservatorium of Music and its courses are accredited by the NSW Department of Education.

Alyse Faith – from the Con to MSO

Alyse Faith was a Conservatorium student from the age of eight right through to 18 and remains conscious of the scholarships and help she has received early in her musical journey. She went on to complete Bachelor of Music (Honours) and Master of Arts in Performance degrees. Her global and Australian performances include the UK Royal Academy of Music Symphony Orchestra, the UK Academy Opera Orchestra and the University of London Symphony Orchestra. She is a member of the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra through the MSO Academy.

Support Us

How you can make a legacy gift to the Central Coast Conservatorium?

Making a Will and leaving a lasting bequest is a very personal decision. It’s your first step in supporting your loved ones and the causes you care about.

You can:

  • leave Central Coast Conservatorium of Music an unrestricted gift, or
  • leave a specific amount, a percentage of your estate, or a portion of the balance
    remaining in your estate.

It is important to use a solicitor, trustee or estate planner when creating a new Will or amending an existing Will, to ensure things are exactly as you want them and that your Will is valid in your state.

For solicitors, trustees, estate planners – sample Will language

The following information is provided to ensure the wishes of your client are clear. The following statement is suggested as wording for a bequest in a Will:

“I bequeath to Central Coast Conservatorium of Music Ltd. ABN 17 615 618 823 of 45 Mann Street, Gosford, NSW, 2250 for general purposes the sum of $………… (or portion of or residue of estate or description of property) and I declare that the receipt of a proper officer of the Conservatorium shall be a sufficient discharge to my Executor.”

It is important that the correct name and ABN are specified. And, as an organisation, it helps us greatly to plan for the future when we know about your client’s thoughtful and mindful legacy gift.

We value and appreciate your gift and would love you to get in touch so we can acknowledge
you personally.

FAQ re Wills

Is it expensive or difficult to include the Central Coast Conservatorium of Music in your Will?

No. If you already have a Will, simply get in touch with your solicitor and include an extra sentence about your gift.

Is there a minimum amount I can leave to Central Coast Conservatorium of Music?

The amount you choose is entirely up to you. Every gift has the power to change lives. If you’d rather not commit to a dollar amount, a popular choice is to leave a percentage of your estate. Many supporters choose to leave three per cent of their estate’s value.

Can I change my existing Will to include Central Coast Conservatorium of Music?

Yes. Updating your Will to include a gift to the Conservatorium is simple and inexpensive but we do recommend you use a solicitor to ensure everything is legally correct.

Can I look after those closest to me and still include a gift in my Will?

Yes, of course. Your loved ones are always be a priority. For that reason, we suggest you specify a ‘residual gift’ which means your bequest is the remainder of your estate (or a percentage of it) after your family has been taken care of and all expenses have been deducted. Say, if you leave one per cent to the Central Coast Conservatorium of Music, your family will still receive the remaining 99 per cent.

Learn More

Would you like to learn more or have a confidential chat? Please call Lisa Barnes, the CEO of the Central Coast Conservatorium of Music in Gosford. She will be happy to help you.

Email or call her on (02) 4324 7477 during business hours.
