Entries close 15 September 2024. Late entries will NOT be accepted, no extension of time or phone entries will be accepted.
This is a guide only and is subject to change.
Entry Fees:
a) A non-refundable entry fee of $10 must accompany each registration.
b) If you enter in more than one section, you will be required to pay $10 for each individual entry.
General Rules for Central Coast Instrufest Competition
a) Participants must adhere to the specified age or category requirements for each competition.
b) Sections will be specified for each competition.
c) The competition is not open to professional musicians.
a) Participants must register online or through designated registration forms by the specified deadline.
b) Late entries will not be accepted.
a) Competitions will be judged by qualified adjudicators appointed by Central Coast Instrufest.
b) Judges’ decisions are final and not subject to appeal.
a) Participants and audience members are expected to maintain respectful conduct throughout the event.
b) Disruptive behaviour may result in disqualification or removal from the premises.
Recording and Media:
a) Central Coast Instrufest reserves the right to record, photograph, or film performances for promotional purposes.
a) Central Coast Instrufest reserves the right to disqualify participants who do not comply with the rules or fail to meet eligibility requirements.
a) Participants must be present and ready to perform at their scheduled times. Failure to attend may result in disqualification unless prior arrangements have been made with the organizers.
a) Sections in each instrument category will be determined once all entries have been received. These will be determined on age and/or ability. Participants will be notified of their section and performance time via email by 1 October 2024 or before.
b) Age of participants is determined as of September 1st, 2024, of the competition year. Entrants in sections subject to age limitation must be prepared to submit proof of age if required.
Adjudication Criteria:
a) Judging criteria will be based on technical skill, interpretation, stage presence, and overall performance quality.
Prizes and Awards:
a) Prizes may include certificates, medals, scholarships, or other forms of recognition as determined by Central Coast Instrufest.
Prize distribution and awards ceremony details will be communicated to participants after judging.
Withdrawal Policy:
a) Participants must notify Central Coast Instrufest via email if they wish to withdraw from a competition.
b) Refunds for withdrawal may be granted under exceptional circumstances at the discretion of the organizers.
Special Requirements:
a) Participants requiring special accommodations (e.g., accessibility needs) must inform Central Coast Instrufest at the time of registration.
Code of Ethics:
a) Participants, teachers, and parents/guardians are expected to uphold a code of ethics promoting fairness, integrity, and respect for all competitors.
b) During Competition: The doors to the Robert Knox Hall will be closed during an item. Please refrain from entering or exiting a performance venue during an item or moving around the hall during a performance.
c) Entrants should be present for the entire session in which they perform to provide both an appreciative audience for other entrants and for the learning experience of watching and listening to other performers.
Additional Rules:
a) Additional rules specific to each competition may be outlined in supplementary guidelines provided by Central Coast Instrufest.
Participants are responsible for familiarizing themselves with all competition rules and guidelines.
Instruments must be warmed up outside the hall prior to the commencement of your section.
a) All Music is Own Choice.
Performance Time:
a) Time limits for all sections are six minutes per piece. (It is advised junior participants limit their piece to 3 minutes, more senior or advanced participants can perform up to 6 minutes).
b) Participants may perform shorter pieces under 6 minutes, but must adhere to the allotted performance time limit of 6 minutes.
c) Time penalties may apply for exceeding the allocated time limit of 6 minutes.
Music must be registered with the Central Coast Instrufest staff prior to the commencement of the relevant session.
Entrants not registering music in the correct format and in good time, may forfeit any placing and may be eligible for adjudicator’s comments only.
a) A CCCM accompanist will be available for performers in all categories.
b) If a CCCM accompanist is provided for your event, there will be no charge on the day of your performance. If you require a CCCM accompanist, please indicate this on your registration form.
c) CCCM accompanists can be contacted for rehearsal prior to your event. Once your section and time slot has been confirmed, CCCM will email you with the details of your accompanist.
d) Meeting with an CCCM accompanist outside of the event will be at your own negotiated cost and must occur on-site at Central Coast Conservatorium.
e) You must confirm with your accompanist; the repertoire you will be performing and in what event you will feature that repertoire.
f) Entrants must provide a copy of their music to the accompanist prior to their performance date.
Backing tracks:
a) Vocalists and instrumentalists can use a recorded backing track. Please indicate on your registration form if a recorded backing track will be provided.
b) Backing tracks must not have any recorded vocals. Recorded backing tracks are to be uploaded to the Central Coast Instrufest Portal no later than 10 days prior to the event.
c) Files should be in MP3 format. Please use the following format when naming your file: Category_Entrant name_Item 1 (Title_Artist /Composer/Lyricist) ( eg :Contemporary Vocal_ Liz Star_Hurt_Christina Aguilera). All entrants should bring copies of all backing tracks on a USB, labelled as per the above, for contingency purposes.
e) If an entrant is using a backing track, please ensure you have a back-up copy on a USB.
d) Central Coast Instrufest staff are in charge of the audio backing tracks.
a) All entrants, accompanists and music teachers please note. The Australasian Mechanical Copyright Owners Society Ltd. [AMCOS] which is administered by Australasian Performing Rights Association Ltd [APRA] has issued strict regulations covering the use of music by performers and accompanists.
b) It is the responsibility of the entrant and/or accompanist to be familiar with the copyright regulations and to present and use music in accordance with the regulations.
c) If a separate accompaniment score is published, the accompanist must use original music. If not published separately, the accompanist may use a photocopy of the original music. This must be clearly marked “Accompanist Copy” and may not be retained after the performance. It must be handed into the Central Coast Instrufest staff, for disposal.
d) Central Coast Instrufest will not be liable for any copyright infringements resulting from the entrant performing from copied music. Entrants should be aware of the rules of copyright and present and use music accordingly. The presentation of the music in the correct format is the responsibility of the entrant.