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Youth In Performing Arts (YIPA) Auditions: 20 March – 8 April

Plans are currently underway for Youth In Performing Arts 2022 – the 31st year of YIPA on the Central Coast.

Auditions for YIPA will be held from 20th March to 8th April 2022.

Times and dates for weekend auditions are outlined on the audition form.

The YIPA concert dates for 2022 are:

Wednesday 18th May

Thursday 19th May

Friday 20th May, and

Saturday 21st May. 

 Concerts will again be held at Laycock Street Community Theatre.

The YIPA Committee understands that some school/studio procedures may be different as a result of the current COVID-19 restrictions.

If YIPA is permitted to attend your school/studio for auditions, they will work with you to comply with any restrictions that the school/studio may have introduced. 

All of the YIPA personnel are currently Fully Vaccinated for COVID-19.

If you require us to submit to a RAT, could you please let them know in advance so that arrangements can be made.

For schools that are not allowing visitors at this point in time, arrangements can be made for the auditions to be done via Zoom or something similar.

If you do not have an accessible school or studio, please contact YIPA directly and they will endeavour to send more information via email. 

YIPA would be happy to attend your school or studio during this time for auditions. 

If you would like them to attend, please send an email and they will arrange for convenient time to attend. 

For more information on YIPA, click here.
