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Central Coast Conservatorium teacher Jo Arnott is one of four leading recorder players tutoring at the NSW Public Schools Recorder Camp running from 15 to 18 April.

Students from NSW public schools in Years 5 to 12 are invited to apply for the camp, which will be held at Stanwell Tops. The deadline for applications is Friday 8 March. The annual four-day residential recorder workshop and camp culminates in a performance at the Festival of Instrumental Music at Sydney Opera House in June.

Students will have the opportunity to work with some of Australia’s leading recorder players and educators to develop their music skills and recorder playing technique, learn historic and contemporary repertoire, and experience playing in a recorder orchestra and small ensembles.

Joining CCCM’s Jo Arnott, a leading recorder teacher and one of CCCM’s dedicated Schools Program tutors, is:

  • Susan Sukkar (recorder teacher, Director of FoIM Recorder Program, and Assistant Principal at Petersham Public School)
  • Alicia Crossley (ARIA nominated recorder player)
  • Daniel Murphy (DoE Music teacher and Suzuki recorder teacher).

2024 dates

  • Camp dates: 5 pm Monday 15 April to 5 pm Thursday 18 April 2024 (School holidays)
  • Performance dates: Festival of Instrumental Music, Monday 24 June to Thursday 27 June 2024


  • $440.00 (sibling discount available)


  • Tops Conference Centre, Acacia Site, Stanwell Tops NSW 2508

How to apply

  • Applications for the 2024 camp are now open and will close Friday 8 March 2024.
  • Complete the online application form to apply.
  • Students who play recorder are welcome to apply, especially those who play treble, tenor and bass in addition to descant.
  • Students are required to have experience with playing their instrument and music reading skills.
  • Students with no extended recorder ensemble program at their schools are strongly encouraged to apply.